воскресенье, 21 ноября 2010 г.

The Weather Club

I joined to the weather culb in the begining of the yea to record the wather of each day in Moscow and compare it with other years. The weather club members (more than 20 people) measutinng the minimum, the maximum and tha actual temperature, tha air pressure and the rainfall every day and recording it to a notebook. With this experiment the geography teacher is making a graph to show the results for the whole school.
I think this club is really important because it shows us the changes in the climate and we can check, if the global warming is true, because the avridge temperatures of this year would be highr then the previous years, or not. Countinuing the experiment in the next few years we can make more conclusions bout our climate and the planet. 
Our day with Ilona was the 29th of October. It was a snowy but not cold day. We measured the temperature, the air pressure and the heiht of the snow as it was told, but it turned out that we did something wrong because our results were not credible. I hope next time everything will be all right. 

With the weather club I
  • worked collaboratively with others and
  • engaged with issues of global importance.

The Rubic's Cube

Whe I went to hight school one of the first things i learned in my new school was how to unload a Rubik's cube. A few few years ago it was really cammon in my school and we organized clubs and competitions to develop uor skills That time my record was about 30 seconds, but a few months later i was bored of the cube and i forgot about it until this week. 
My sister found my Rubik's Cube and seh asked me to teach her how to unload it, so i had to vivify the old movements. I found out that even my head forgot them my heands still remember the algorithms and how to unload the cube. 
I showed the algorithms to my sister and then wrote the down with itroductions in case she will forgot them. She shwes it to her classmates and now they all learning how to  unload a Rubik's Cube. 
I was really happy thad i could teach something new to my sister and realised that i can still unload the cube even if it takes a minute now. 

Teaching the mystery of the cube i 
  • developed new skills,
  • worked collaboratively with others 
  • and showed perseverance and commitment in my activity.

Halloween Disco

After the autumn holiday Halloween came soon.
The IB stidents thought that wa have to celebrate this event in our cshool and organize a school disco.
During the week before the disco, the geography teacher organized a pumpkin-curving lunch beak . Everybody, who wanted to carve a pumpkin bought and brouth one int he break and we were curving them together in the geography room. These pumpkins were exhibited int he school disco and ewerybody could admire them, and finally they participated on a pumpkin-beauty competition.
The school disco took place int he Hall after the school. We had time to decorate the room with spiders, cobweb with the pumpkins and other halloween decoration. I think we did a good job, and it looked nice. While we were decorating others were organizing the buffet and the music.
After the disco we cleaned up the garbage and the decortion. 
I really enjoyed the evening especially because the music was energic and made everybody dance, even me, who did not want to dance. 

Related to the school disco I
  • worked collaboratively vith others and
  • developed new skills.

The International day

           On the 15th of October there was an International Day in our school, organized by the teachers and the IB students.Our task was to form groups of 2-3 people and arganize programs to the lowest graders during the first few lessons. There were lots of interresting programs, like korean games os henna tattoo, related to a special nationa or to the global world. Our group organized a flag painting activity in the Art room. We, Matanat, Ilina ind i were helping to the children to makie their own country's flag. They cuold use watercolour, oil pastel, collage technique or mixed techniqus including more than one of them.After we finished our program, we cleaned up the Art room, and went to the Hall to serve the international lounch. People who came to the lounch could eat for example Spanish, Korean, Japanese, Indian or Hungarian food. I, as i am Hungarian brouth some beef with potatoes and cucumber salad, which was a traditional Hungarian compilation. Although the Asian food were more exotic and popular, ther was not any left of my food at the end of the day.
           Finally at the end of the day we were listenning to a concert in the gym. Unfortunately the acustics were terrible and we could not hear anything well, I enjoyed the concert, especially the Chopin piece payed by a Korean boy. I think he is really talented, he played wery well.
During this eventful day, and the organization of this day I
  • planned and initiated activities
  • worked collaoretively with others
  • and engaged with issues of global importance.

воскресенье, 26 сентября 2010 г.

Sports Day

21st of September was a perfect sunny day. On this Thuesday we had Sparts Day at school. Students, devided into houses and age groups, had to play different kinds of sports with the teachers supervision. I have never played so many different sports and games in one day.
First we played Dutch ball, which bacame more interesting becouse our teachers changed some rules. After, we went to play football in the court. First i did not want to play, but i decided to undertake newchallenges. Later i really enjoyed it, especially when i scored our team's only goal. From the court we went to play bascetball, and after that we played volleyball. I really waited for this moment, becouse i used to play volleyball for two years.
I thought, that trunning would be the only sport i would miss, but finally everybody had to run so i could not escape. Surprisingly i became the secound girl after Shoko. The last but one we played Capture The Flag. It was a familiar game to me, becouse me and my friends used to play this game in Hungary, but actually in a different way, and it was not easy for me to accept the new rules.
Finally, when i thought tat everything is over, it turned out that we have one more cempetition, the relay race. I took part in every game, so at the end of the day i was tired, but i tried to do my best for the team. In result i fell up in Radomir's leg when we changed. Regardless on my faillure, i enjoyed this day.

We presented a lot of outcomes, like:
  • undertaking new challenges
  • working collaboretively with others
  • showed perseverance and commitment in our activities
  • and also i developed a new skill (i am not that bad in football as i thought)

понедельник, 6 сентября 2010 г.

Collecting garbage in the Bitsevsky Park

Before I came into Moscow I had heard that this is a much more cleaner city than other large cities all over the world. Actually I can compare Moscow only with a few European cities, but I can say the gossip was right. In fact I’ve only seen the city centre so I was excited to see the suburb areas.

Today, on the 3rd of September, the 12th and the 13th class went to collect the garbage in to a park near our school. We were working in groups of four so we had to work collaboratively with others. Our group decided to clean up bottles, cans and plastic rubbish because these materials’ break-down take the longest and they’re recyclable. Later in the school we divided the garbage unto recyclable (which we’ve taken to a recycling machine) and no recyclable part (which was thrown out).

I think it was an interesting exercise engaged with issues of global importance and teamwork. The cleaning up in such a small area made understand that the rubbish is a global problem.