воскресенье, 21 ноября 2010 г.

The Weather Club

I joined to the weather culb in the begining of the yea to record the wather of each day in Moscow and compare it with other years. The weather club members (more than 20 people) measutinng the minimum, the maximum and tha actual temperature, tha air pressure and the rainfall every day and recording it to a notebook. With this experiment the geography teacher is making a graph to show the results for the whole school.
I think this club is really important because it shows us the changes in the climate and we can check, if the global warming is true, because the avridge temperatures of this year would be highr then the previous years, or not. Countinuing the experiment in the next few years we can make more conclusions bout our climate and the planet. 
Our day with Ilona was the 29th of October. It was a snowy but not cold day. We measured the temperature, the air pressure and the heiht of the snow as it was told, but it turned out that we did something wrong because our results were not credible. I hope next time everything will be all right. 

With the weather club I
  • worked collaboratively with others and
  • engaged with issues of global importance.

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