воскресенье, 26 сентября 2010 г.

Sports Day

21st of September was a perfect sunny day. On this Thuesday we had Sparts Day at school. Students, devided into houses and age groups, had to play different kinds of sports with the teachers supervision. I have never played so many different sports and games in one day.
First we played Dutch ball, which bacame more interesting becouse our teachers changed some rules. After, we went to play football in the court. First i did not want to play, but i decided to undertake newchallenges. Later i really enjoyed it, especially when i scored our team's only goal. From the court we went to play bascetball, and after that we played volleyball. I really waited for this moment, becouse i used to play volleyball for two years.
I thought, that trunning would be the only sport i would miss, but finally everybody had to run so i could not escape. Surprisingly i became the secound girl after Shoko. The last but one we played Capture The Flag. It was a familiar game to me, becouse me and my friends used to play this game in Hungary, but actually in a different way, and it was not easy for me to accept the new rules.
Finally, when i thought tat everything is over, it turned out that we have one more cempetition, the relay race. I took part in every game, so at the end of the day i was tired, but i tried to do my best for the team. In result i fell up in Radomir's leg when we changed. Regardless on my faillure, i enjoyed this day.

We presented a lot of outcomes, like:
  • undertaking new challenges
  • working collaboretively with others
  • showed perseverance and commitment in our activities
  • and also i developed a new skill (i am not that bad in football as i thought)

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