понедельник, 6 сентября 2010 г.

Collecting garbage in the Bitsevsky Park

Before I came into Moscow I had heard that this is a much more cleaner city than other large cities all over the world. Actually I can compare Moscow only with a few European cities, but I can say the gossip was right. In fact I’ve only seen the city centre so I was excited to see the suburb areas.

Today, on the 3rd of September, the 12th and the 13th class went to collect the garbage in to a park near our school. We were working in groups of four so we had to work collaboratively with others. Our group decided to clean up bottles, cans and plastic rubbish because these materials’ break-down take the longest and they’re recyclable. Later in the school we divided the garbage unto recyclable (which we’ve taken to a recycling machine) and no recyclable part (which was thrown out).

I think it was an interesting exercise engaged with issues of global importance and teamwork. The cleaning up in such a small area made understand that the rubbish is a global problem.

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