четверг, 24 марта 2011 г.

Snow Day

Next week is the end of March, and hopefully the end of a long and cold winter. But even if it was cold and endless and most of us is already bored of the Russian winter, we could find many beautiful and enjoable things in this season. To remind them once more and to say goodbye to the winer we organised a Snow Day in the school. The IB students organised many interesting programs related to winter, snow or cold. We made ice-cream, origamy snow-mans, and the art students' idea was the snow sculpture making.
We came to scool on usual time, and after a short registration we went out to the yard and started to make big hills of snow, from which we later cut out the sculptures. After that we had a little break so we went to the IT room to research some professional snow sculptures and shapes which might suit better to our snow conditions. We printed them out and at 12 o'clock we started to make the sculptures. Unforunetly, I forgot to change my shoes, and while i was changing them, my team drop the knife into the midle of their vulcano sculpture and started to make a huge hole under the sculpture. This later became a tunnel which we could not connect to the vulcano idea. In the last minute we changed the conception and made a castle.We coloured our sculpture inte red, orange and blue, to make it fresher and more intreresting.
The other groops made a beutiful fish in style of Nemo, a huge mashroom, and a futuristic chair.
I think everybody enjoyed to make these sculptures and they will decorate the school yard if not until the end of time but at least until Spring. During the Snow Day, I have

  • undertaken new challenges
  • planned and initiated activities
  • worked collaboratively with others and
  • developed new skills

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